SAFRIreland News Articles Updated: 10 May 2021

Vivotecnia Violence Towards Animals In Madrid

One month ago on the 8th of April 2021, Cruelty Free International released an extremely disturbing undercover video of many different animals being subjected to violent abused by a group of people at Vivotecnia laboratories in Madrid. This footage was filmed in 2019 and 2020. (Whistleblower Undercover Video
Ever since then hundreds of thousands of loyal animal rights activists in Spain and Internationally have remained steadfast in the search for answers. One main question they want answered is: “When will the remaining animals at Vivotecnia be released?” There is disappointment as Comunidad de Madrid. have failed to respond. In recent days a Judge has given The Community of Madrid (Comunidad de Madrid) the power take the animals. Yet this action has not been taken and activists are still awaiting answers.
The Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO) has carried out much of their research in Vivotecnia. In light what has happened there are big concerns about the accuracy of research being conducted at Vivotecnia since it opened in 2000, as research malpractice is a huge risk to human health. Due to the seriousness of this situation Vivotecnia must be brought to court.
Spanish activist plan to take to the streets across the country over the next few days. “The #rescatevivotecnia assembly has summoned its supporters to continue protesting and demanding "the immediate confiscation of the victim animals of the Vivotecnia Research laboratory" this Sunday. "Given the ineffectiveness and lack of communication and action by the Community of Madrid to our protests... we convened a massive civil disobedience mobilization...." -
“La asamblea de #rescatevivotecnia ha convocado a sus simpatizantes para seguir protestando y exigiendo "la incautación inmediata de los animales víctimas del laboratorio de Investigaciones Vivotecnia" este domingo. "Ante la ineficacia y falta de comunicación y actuación de la Comunidad de Madrid a nuestras protestas... convocamos una movilización masiva de desobediencia civil...."-