In vitro models: In vitro models involve growing cells or tissues in a lab dish or test tube. These models can be used to study the effects of drugs, chemicals, or other substances on human cells without the need for animal testing.
Computer models: Computer models use algorithms and simulations to predict the effects of drugs, chemicals, or other substances on the human body. These models can be used to reduce the number of animals used in testing.
Human-based clinical trials: Clinical trials that involve human volunteers are the gold standard for testing the safety and efficacy of drugs and other medical interventions. By relying on human data, these trials can reduce the need for animal testing.
“Several leading indicators validate our belief that organ-on-a-chip technology will dramatically transform the entire drug discovery and development pipeline and ultimately eliminate unnecessary animal testing.” said Emulate CEO Jim Corbett
Overall, there is a growing recognition in the scientific community that animal testing is not always necessary or effective, and that there are many alternative approaches that can be used to advance scientific knowledge and improve human health without harming animals.